SlingerVille FAQ

Can a post be deleted or edited?

Once your post is made visible to the public, it cannot be deleted or edited. However, a rebuttal or addition to the original posting can be made at any time. Furthermore, you have the option to login to your account and make the post "not visible" to the public.

A post made about me is not true, what can I do?

As stated in the Terms of Service (located at, Slingerville does not control User Content submitted by its users. Users of are solely responsible for the information contained in the User Content they submit to, as well as the removal of any such User Content. If you would like the User Content to be removed, please reply to the User responsible for the submission of the User Content in question and request that it be removed; Slingerville will not remove the User Content. The user who submitted the post can login to their SlingerVille account and hide the post from the public. If you wish to dispute the information contained in the User Content, please do so in a reply to the User Content. Any such replies submitted are subject to the Terms of Service. is an interactive computer service provider under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. Section 230(c)(1)), and pursuant to that law, shall not be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by the Users of As a result, and its affiliates are not liable for statements contained in User Content available on the site. Please direct all claims for relief to the User responsible for the User Content.

Why is my post and/or comments to a post being reviewed (up to 48 hours) before it's made available to the public?

SlingerVille's top priority is protecting our members' privacy. Posts are screened for inappropriate content, including but not limited to:

Home or work address (or current place of residence.)
Phone #'s or other contact information
Threats of physical harm.

SlingerVille reserves the right to remove or edit a post and/or comment if these, or other violations are discovered. Further information can be found within our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Can I contact the author of a post directly?

The only way to contact another member directly is by responding to a post.

Can a comment I made about a post be removed or changed to "not visible?"

No it cannot, once a comment is made about a post it stays attached to the original post. The only way a comment can be made "not visible" is if the person who created the initial post hides the post.

Can I upload video?

Yes you can, our new video, phone, text and voice-mail upload feature is now available.

There is a photo of me on SlingerVille - how do I remove it?

Once a photo is uploaded it cannot be removed. Please review our posting policy for additional information.

Can I add a photo to a post after I've submitted a post without a photo?

Yes you can, simply login to your account and you will see the option in your account settings to add a photo. You cannot replace a photo once it's been uploaded.

How do I know my account information is secure?

Privacy is our top priority at SlingerVille. We use advanced encryption tools to ensure that your account information is secure.

How do I edit my account?

Once you login to your SlingerVille account, you will see an option which will allow you to edit your information.

How do I deactivate my account?

Once you login to your SlingerVille account, you will see an option which will allow you to deactivate your account.

When I deactivate my account, do my posts automatically become "not visible?"

No they do not. You must first make your posts not visible manually before deactivating your account. If you deactivate your account before making your posts not visible, they will still be visible on

I made my posts "not visible" and they no longer appear on but show up in search engines?

SlingerVille has no control over how often our content is crawled and indexed by popular search engines. (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc...) Your post will remain visible until the search engine crawls and indexes our site again.

How do I retrieve/reset my password?

Once you login to your SlingerVille account, you will see an option which will allow you to reset your password. There is also a "forgot password" option once you click on the login section of our website.

How do I add an additional comment to a SlingerVille posting?

After you've successfully logged into your SlingerVille account, you will have the ability to post directly to the thread already in place.

How do I add someone to my SlingerVille network?

After you've successfully logged into your SlingerVille account, you can add as many users to your notification list as you'd like.

How do I change my display name?

Once you've created your display name, it cannot be changed.

What picture formats can I upload when creating a new post?

JPEG (yourfilename.jpg), GIF (yourfilename.gif), and PNG (yourfilename.png)

Why did my post get rejected?

There are a number of reasons why your post could have been rejected. Please refer to our posting policy for additional information.

I didn't find who I was looking for; can I be notified if someone posts something about them?

Absolutely, once you've created a SlingerVille account this option will become available to you under your My Account section.

Can I be notified if someone posts something about me or someone I know?

Absolutely, once you've created a SlingerVille account this option will become available to you under your My Account section.

Can I submit proof with my SlingerVille post?

Absolutely! You can upload up to three photos with your SlingerVille post. If you have proof, we recommend you upload one or two photos and a .jpg / .gif / .png image of the proof you have (i.e. screenshot of emails or IMs.)

If I search for someone and the search results show that the person DOES have a SlingerVille record but no visible posts, how can I view the posting?

A post is made "not visible" when the user who created the original post goes into their account settings and makes their post "not visible." Once this occurs, other users cannot view that post unless the person who created the post decides to make it visible again.

Within my account settings, when I make a post invisible am I able to make it visible again?

Once a post is made invisible, that specific post cannot be made visible again.

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