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Tattoo removal business booming as inked teens grow up
August 19, 2014

Tattoo removal business booming as inked teens grow up


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Cavs fan gets tattoo of Love and LeBron
August 04, 2014

Kevin Love and LeBron James could be sharing the same...


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Rihanna’s tattoo guy explains new falcon skin art
Rihanna has swapped the music notes tattoo on her right ankle for a new symbol of strength: an ancient Egyptian falcon.
July 13, 2012 - By SlingerVille Staff - Views: 4,475,473
Rock of Ages opened last weekend, and by now you're more than aware that it stars a very ripped Tom Cruise as an aging metal rock god with eye-popping tattoos covering his torso. What's wrong with this picture?
July 13, 2012 - By SlingerVille Staff - Views: 4,475,499
Kings Stanley Cup Tattoo Frenzy: Hermosa Ink in South Bay Shoots to Stardom
For 23 often frustrating and always fruitless years, Pam Stence has loved the Los Angeles Kings. For her, being a Kings fan was like being a passenger on the Titanic — it was all good until they hit the ice.
July 13, 2012 - By SlingerVille Staff - Views: 4,475,989
Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace Common Sense Advice for Workers with Body Art
Tattoos and piercings are becoming more accepted as a form of art and expression. They are a big part of the cultural landscape in cosmopolitan cities like Los Angeles. To give you an idea of their rise in popularity here are a few figures. Thirty years ago, 1 in 100 people in this country had tattoos.
July 13, 2012 - By SlingerVille Staff - Views: 4,475,583
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